Thursday, 24 April 2014

Easter homework

                                                         Easter homework

1.What two conventions have I used & Why?
Conventions are: Mix of content, Aspiration tone, Direct mode of address & model or celebrity on front cover. 
   direct address- Your party dress code. 
                          The girl on the front is looking straight at you. 

2.What are the effects of my Layout, Typography, Colour choice and Language Choice
Effect means what does it say to the audience. Essentially you need to talk about the connotations of all of these things.

key words in the passages are in a bold font to make the important parts of the writing stand out.

Layout - Is it symmetrical (ordered and sophisticated) or asymmetrical (chaotic and youthful). What Balance does it have? (refer to your past work on balance)

Typography: Is is serif or sans serif? Does it cover hand writing?

Language: Have you use exlamatives (exclamation marks), alliteration (multiple words with the same letter), imperatives (a command) or a pun (a funny play on words)?

Thursday, 27 February 2014



Explain two ways the extract fits the genre of lifestyle magazines.

because it has a house style and colour, this suits the needs of a lifestyle magazine because it has the cover lines which are aspirational and a main appealing image this is the basic layout for a life style magazine.

because it has a house style and colour, this suits the needs of a lifestyle magazine because it has the cover lines which are aspirational and a main appealing image this is the basic layout for a life style magazine.

Thursday, 6 February 2014


 colours can convey different meanings or connotation to the viewer. 


I would use yellow for sport because the meaning of yelllow is about fun humor lightness personal power, intellect logic and creativity

Monday, 20 January 2014

coverlines on magazines

                             Coverlines on magazines.

1. sex tips.
2. 5 ways to get the new stylish look.
3. Your top male models.
4. free make-up sample see page ...
5. top 10 heartthrob songs
6. get a supermodels body quick!
7. That perfect holiday 
8. best fitness routines
9. get that look
10. loose weight quick with this simple diet.


for her onlyFGN